Ongree (5)Full unit name: Ongree
Last updated: 03.11.2023 23:59:58
Basic info
First appearance: Attack of the Clones
Included into
Star Wars The Complete Saga (Blu Ray)
Known Facts (2)
Stolen Secrets (1) »
The Senator's Stolen Goods (1) »
The Ongree were a humanoid sentient species native to the planet Skustell in the Skustell Cluster. They were an amphibious sentient species characterized by yellowish or brownish skin and elongated, tapering heads. Two flexible eyestalks protruded from either side of an Ongree's head, allowing them to see an object from many angles. Their lipless mouths were located above four nostrils and their other facial features, giving them an "upside-down" facial appearance. They possessed two thick fingers and an opposable thumb on each hand. Despite the apparent lack of dexterity inherent in their makeup, Ongree were nevertheless able to hold even small objects with ease. Their natural agility was belied by their humpbacked, awkward appearance.


Known members
Known for being a members of the following organizations
Migrant Merchants' Guild
Complete list

Full unit name: Ongree Last updated: 03.11.2023 23:59:58